Improving Board Meeting Productivity

If your board meetings don’t yield the results you want, it might be time to make changes. It isn’t difficult to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in your board meetings. The steps below that you can implement gradually over time, can have a dramatic impact on the quality of your meetings.

Start by establishing a clear agenda and imposing strict time limits for each item. By setting a limit on how long each topic will take to discuss Board members are more likely to keep their comments brief and to the point. Additionally, assigning a meeting timekeeper can aid in ensuring that everyone is adhering to these rules.

Additionally, you should avoid topics that only a handful of your board members have expertise in. Instead, consider having one-on-1 discussions with each between meetings to get a deeper understanding on subjects that require more research or knowledge. This way, you’ll save time during meetings for topics that require the board’s complete attention.

Many board members have difficulty getting the meeting back on track after it has started. Many discussions can easily veer off-topic, especially if board members are familiar with each other and are discussing personal issues just before the meeting begins. Make an effort to bring discussions back to the agenda items that are in front of them and gently redirect the discussion the discussion if it continues to drift off-course.

Your board meetings should be a place for strategic discussions and discussion not just a venue to report and update. With a little planning and some minor changes your board meetings could transform into engaging, productive events that are crucial to the development and success of your organization.

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